Sweat-Absorbing, Sun-Defying Workout Gear - Thursday, July 04
It’s time to get outside with a sun-smart plan to protect yourself — and enjoy every minute with the right equipment.
Running. Keep your head shaded from the sun with a hat made with light materials, like polyester. Bonus points for finding one with vented panels, which will help you stay cool and circulate the air as you move. Use a pair of sun sleeves if you’re prone to forget the sunscreen.
Cycling. The secret to riding light is plenty of pockets, so you can have keys and other essentials on you without adding another layer.
Hiking. Whether you’re headed to a local tree-lined trail, your best bet for keeping cool feet as you hit the trails are thin, wicking, wool socks. Buy pants that can roll into capris or rip off over a pair of shorts and a polyester shirt with both SPF and bug repellent to steer clear of ticks.
Are you equipped for your next outdoor adventure?