Staying in control of your spending can make your life happier and help reduce stress. It’s a real treat to fund vacation splurges with money carefully saved all year. When you return from time off, consider keeping these rejuvenating pleasures:

  • Self-care. Feeling good keeps your spirits high. Treating yourself to a massage, yoga session, or fitness class can energize mind and body.

  • Quality fuel. Your inner engine needs proper nutrition to carry you through the day. Fortify your body by choosing fresh fruit over chips or seafood over a drive-thru burger. Shell out for exotic spices to encourage cooking healthy international dishes at home.

  • Time away. Guided meditations often ask you to picture a favorite, calming scene — so find real-world experiences you can mentally return to. Being away from work allows you to recharge and meet challenges with a renewed attitude.

You don’t have to splurge to take good care of yourself and staying on track with your budget helps build financial wiggle room so you can take a trip.

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