You know how restorative a good sleep can be — it’s essential for energy, mood, and healing. Use these tips to reach your dream-filled destination:

  • Move early and often. Regular exercise can improve your sleep. Brisk walking for 30 minutes/day, 5 days a week is an easy way to get that well-being boost. Or try any fun activity to blow off steam. Just schedule it earlier than 2 hours before bedtime, so you’re not too charged.

  • Go dark. Bright lights tell your body it’s time to wake up. Turn off LEDs on computers, phones, and TVs. Try an old-fashioned alarm clock instead of digital. And use room-darkening shades.

  • Relax. Create a calm ritual. A warm bath, herbal tea, or quiet activity such as reading or working a puzzle can help you unwind. Try listening to soothing music as you drift off.

Honor your body’s sleep needs this week and feel the difference it makes.

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