Eating Well on the Go - Friday, August 23
Exploring new places, meeting new people, and trying new cuisines are part of the fun of traveling. Airport fare is getting better, but savvy travelers plan ahead to maintain good nutrition away from home.
Start off strong. Begin your trip with a nutritious meal before heading out.
Picnic it. Pack nutrient-dense, stable items that will keep well in a bag like nuts, firm fruit, baby carrots, string cheese sticks, and whole grain crackers.
Stock up. Stash your own supply of fresh fruit, low-sugar granola bars, and bottled water.
Order wisely. At restaurants, select dishes with whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, plus lean meat or fish. For fun, try a regional dish you can’t get at home.
Eat breakfast. Combine complex carbs and protein, such as whole grain cereal with milk or whole grain toast with nut butter for more energy and to keep you satisfied until lunch.