Good news about getting your cardio, stretching, and stretching in — you don’t need hours in the gym to cover each base:

  • Aim for all-in-one workouts. Take a class that combines cardio with muscle work, like kickboxing. For lower impact, try yoga, which improves flexibility, strengthens muscles, and enhances balance.

  • While rotating body parts (legs one day, arms the next) is recommended if you hit the weight room, it’s possible to combine work on multiple body parts if you alternate days. Holding free weights in each hand, squat against a wall. As you return to standing position, lift the weights into an arm curl and engage your core to work your lower and upper body.

  • Be flexible. While you need at least 30 minutes of exercise 5 times/week to stay healthy, a study in Journal of the American Medical Association found that even 75 minutes/week of activity is beneficial for normally sedentary individuals. On the days you really can’t get to your workout, take a 10-minute walk, lunge down your hallway, or do some wall push-ups. Move as often as you can in ways that make you feel good — something really is better than nothing.

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